Amputee Rehabilitation

The role of occupational therapy in supporting amputee rehabilitation

Rehabilitation following traumatic or planned amputation of a limb involves a multidisciplinary approach. Occupational therapists will use a client centred approach to amputee rehabilitation, providing expert advice and support, aimed at maximising an individual’s mobility and function in daily living activities, and enabling them to return to work, leisure and other social situations.

Aspects of amputee rehabilitation where occupational therapists can make a difference

Our occupational therapists will work in collaboration with statutory health services, prosthetists, physiotherapists, the client, and their family to ensure a holistic and client centred approach is taken to amputee rehabilitation. Occupational therapy may include pre- and post-operative assessment with consideration for the following areas: 

  • Mobility assessments (consideration of wheelchair provision, wheelchair access and safe use of mobility aids in the home and community)

  • Functional assessments for upper and lower limb amputees

  • Assessment of the client’s home environment and consideration of housing adaptations

  • Prosthetic training and advice

  • Vocational rehabilitation

  • Transport considerations and vehicle adaptations

  • Body image and self confidence

  • Pain management techniques

 Our occupational therapists will work with clients to support them with mobility and functional problems. It is important to promote independence in all aspects of daily living, for when the individual is able to wear their prosthetic limb and when they choose not to wear it. The occupational therapist will also advise and support the client in the event that they need to adapt their property, with a particular focus on access in and around the home, kitchen and bathroom design and storage for mobility equipment.

Our specialist occupational therapists are able to respond immediately and provide rehabilitation to the client in their own home, community, or work environment. We will provide a detailed assessment report and regular progress reports throughout our intervention.

For more detailed information on how occupational therapists can help individuals with upper and lower limb amputations, please feel free to give us a call and one of our experienced therapists will be happy to provide more information.