Hand Therapy

The role of occupational therapy in the treatment of hand injuries

Hand therapy is the therapeutic management of a hand and upper limb injury or condition using biomechanical science and activity analysis to restore normal movement, strength and dexterity. Hand therapy is required immediately following a hand injury or surgery to ensure post-operative precautions are followed. Long term hand and upper limb conditions such as Dupuytren’s contracture, Raynaud’s syndrome and rheumatoid arthritis and can also benefit from hand therapy advice and therapeutic intervention.

The Rehab Team UK

Hand function is essential to enable us to hold, grasp and manipulate everyday objects and tools required in our daily lives. Hand injury or medical conditions that result in pain and dysfunction to the upper limb and hand, can significantly affect an individual’s ability to use their hands for everyday tasks. This may result in an individual requiring support with personal care, preparing food and attending to household and domestic tasks or prevent them from returning to work and participating in leisure and social activities.

Hand therapy can provide specialist advice and therapeutic intervention to reduce pain and inflammation in the hand, increase joint range of movement and grip strength, thus maximising hand function and dexterity.


Common types of hand injury that occupational therapists are affective at treating

We have a number of specialist hand therapists located across the United Kingdom who are able to provide assessment, rehabilitation, and support for clients with a wide range of hand and upper limb conditions such as:

  • Brachial Plexus Injury

  • Rotator Cuff Injury

  • Flexor and extensor tendon injuries

  • De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis

  • Dupuytren’s Contracture

  • Swan neck deformity

  • Boutonniere deformity

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

  • Arthritis

  • Fractures

 Hand therapists are occupational therapists or physiotherapists that have undergone advanced training in hand and upper limb injuries, specialising in the area of hand rehabilitation. We have a number of highly specialised hand therapists located around the United Kingdom who are experienced in managing acute and long-term hand conditions. Our hand therapists all have access to standardised hand assessment tools and therapeutic resources and are able to fabricate bespoke hand splints in the client’s own home. Our hand therapists also have access to orthotic appliances, such as thumb and wrist supports, should these be required.

Our hand therapists are able to respond immediately and provide rehabilitation to the client in their own home, community, or work environment. We will provide a detailed assessment report and regular progress reports throughout our intervention.

For more detailed information on how hand therapists can help individuals with hand and upper limb conditions, please feel free to give us a call and one of our experienced therapists will be happy to provide more information.